Monday, October 10, 2011

Too short of a weekend

We had a great weekend with Allen. He came in Friday night to Grand Island, so it was very convenient for me to go get him. Robin kept Cael that night, and in the morning, we went over to the house. The look on Cael's face was priceless. I got a video of it, so I'll post that as soon as I can. Allen needed to go to Complete Nutrition to get more vitamins, and then he picked out some tires for my car. He also went to the chiropractor, and he's feeling a lot better. Hopefully he'll be able to start running middle of this week. We met up with his family for lunch at Hunan's, of course, and then headed out to Helgoth's Pumpkin Patch. I'll have pics up soon. We were planning on going to church, but family snuggle time at the hotel was just too comfy, so we didn't get there. We got to take our time getting ready to go to York for lunch with Allen's dad. It was a relaxing afternoon. We got back to GI and the boys each got a Dilly Bar. That's been a tradition since Cael was pretty little. They never miss a chance when they're together. I made Allen's favorite supper for the boys and Robin, and then we spent the evening watching tv and snuggling. This morning was kind of rough, of course. We got to the airport and Allen checked in. They let him stay with us until the last possible moment he had to be on the plane. This was the first time that Cael has really cried when Allen left. Broke my heart. Thanksgiving is only about a month away. Much better than 3 months.


Claudia said...

This has to be incredibly hard. When will you guys get the opportunity to be a more traditional military family and spend more time together?

LiveLaughLearnTeach said...

Claudia, I have no idea. Hopefully after school gets out in May. We're pulling for the 1 Charlie assignment which will put him in training until April/May.