Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mugsy Sent Me

May 1st, we had our Spring Production of "Mugsy Sent Me." It was kind of a review in a way, since there wasn't any 'real' plot, but there were characters that spoke. We were in "Big Al's Place" eating and having a good time, listening to performances and watching people dance. Big Al(ice) did make an appearance at the end since we brought in some 'prohibited' items (root beer). It was a fun evening with great food and entertainment. My cast. Robin Seim and I doing the Charleston in the back during the final performance of it. When our kids sang, some of the other kids went and picked people out of the audience to dance with. There were some tears from moms who got to watch their daughters come to dance with their dads. It was cute! We had so many kids that wanted to get up and show off their talents by singing solos, duets, and small groups. It was great! Big Al(ice) Her bodyguards.

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