Happy New Year, everyone! We hope this year will be a good one for you. It will be one of readjusting for us, but we know that God will give us the grace and comfort we need. We had a good end of the year. So did my sister's family, who got a new puppy, too. Buster is his name, and he is a Shorkie. I think he should be called Wicket because he looks like a baby Ewok, but that's just me.

We had to have a trial separation from Mary Jane because Cael was suddenly breaking out in hives!

We figured out it's not Mary Jane, so everything there is ok. We still don't know what caused the outbreak, though. Kerrey thinks it is an ingested allergy (maybe nuts?) so we'll have to go see the allergist sometime. Cael and I returned to Cairo on Tuesday. We picked up MJ and brought her home with us. She was at Grandma and Papa Tom's while we were away. Cael got to hold her the whole way home!
Has he had a cold? That slapped cheek rash reminds me of our Fifth Disease outbreak.
How's the puppy thing going? I'm so thankful ours came "trained" I don't think I have the patience for potty training one more thing at our house - ha!
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