Cael got a late Christmas present from "Uncle Ben" Peters. A remote control firetruck. He loves it! Mary Jane, not so much.

We went to Palmer today to the wrestling meet. Meets can get awfully long for us since we have three wrestlers - Jake-135, Brad-140, Kyle-215. There's usually a long wait in between Brad and Kyle, and since Cael came with us today, I brought the portable DVD player (THANK YOU, MOM!!), so Brad and Cael watched Ratatouille together. If you've seen that movie, you've seen Brad. Linguinni is pretty much Brad with red hair.

Jake saw me get ready to take his picture. Yes, the guys did wrestle today, but I didn't get any pictures of that, since I'm down at the mat with water and the med bag.

Cael had to try on Brad's headgear.

This pose was our wrestling team inside joke last year. They would be all serious and then mug like Cael is.

Cael had to sit with Coach Daddy for a bit. Behind Allen's head you can see the back of our wrestling shirts. It says "Determination" at the top and then our verse underneath.

There was a half hour break, so Cael got to go down on the mats and wrestle like the big guys! Jake and Coach Daddy took him on. During Kyle's last match, Cael was trying to take off his shoes so he could go and "help."

Cael crawled up on Taylor's lap for a bit. (The one that came over last week.) He figured she was safe because he was getting tired, and we would've tried to get him to sleep. She would kill me if she knew about this picture.:)

Jake and Kyle got first and Brad got fifth. Everyone got to wear their final's singlets today! Our team only had one loss. Not bad!
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