This weekend, I went to St. Louis to run in the GO! St. Louis Marathon. Friday, I stayed at the Wings' house in Sweet Springs. Saturday, Dan and I went to the expo to meet up with our college friend. While we were there, we got to have our picture taken with Jenn and Jay Jacobs from Biggest Loser. They were on the same season as Rulon Gardner.

As for the marathon, well, we ran. My stomach had been really bad all week and I was kind of concerned about it. Friday, I realized my hip was out to the point that I was gimping around. My chiropractor was in Burwell on Friday, so there was no way I was getting in. Fortunately, I got in to Sara's chiro in Concordia, MO on Saturday before we left. I felt better after going, and I was feeling more confident. We started out 7am Sunday morning to a group of 15,000 runners and a beautiful morning to go for a run. I was feeling good. The half-marathon turnaround was at mile 9.5. I contemplated turning around, and as soon as we passed it, I regretted it. But, I came to run the marathon, so here we go. At mile 10, my stomach decided it was done being good. Dan ran on ahead while I tried to get my stomach to settle as I walked up a hill. Around mile 14 I was thinking, "Not in front of these people!" Yep. I threw up. A lot. Stupid stomach. There was an official close by who ran up and asked if I was ok. A medic came by and asked if I needed an ambulance. No. Are you sure? Yes. I think I can make it if I just walk for a while. They told me that they couldn't stop me, but they would strongly suggest that I not go on since I obviously had nothing left in me. They called me a "sag wagon," and I now have my first DNF. "Did Not Finish." I ran a half. Not THE half, but a half. After my stomach settled, I guess I could've gone back down and run in and gotten a half-marathon medal, but I felt so defeated, I didn't think I deserved it. I called Allen and was so mad at myself, I was crying. I got to watch all of the excited people come across the finish line. I cheered for them. I had to. They were doing what I desperately wanted to do. I was waiting for Dan. And waiting. And waiting. 6 hours came. And went. No Dan. I was getting a little worried. Dan was no where, I didn't have the keys to the car (my wallet was in there), I was in St. Louis(didn't know my way around), and I didn't know if Dan was on the course, in the hospital, or dead. Dan? Where are you, Dan? I finally got a phone call. From Dan. His phone was in the car. Crap. Turns out, he was at mile 25 and couldn't walk straight and couldn't go on. So close!! Lesson learned? Well, humility, obviously. I also know what needs to be my priority. My health/stomach has to get figured out. The chiro in Concordia gave me some ideas, so now I need to do my homework. Hopefully next year I will be part of a marathon relay with our other college friend. Next time. Next time.
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