Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 7 via Ben

Welcome to week seven, y'all.

Week seven theme: Food.

Quote: There is no quote. We all know how big a deal food is. We gotta stay in control.

Week Seven Challenges

  • Write a list of your trouble foods. What do you habitually struggle with? Write them down.
  • Stay away from those foods this week. We will make this a long-term commitment, but for now, focus on making it through the next six days without those foods.
  • Talk grocery lists with your buddy.
  • Write down three foods you've never eaten. Ever. Something you've always been scared to try.
  • Eat two of those foods this week. Look up a recipe and create it. Eat it, write down your thoughts about it. You may or may not share this with the group during submissions
  • FOCUS ON EATING. Count calories if that's what you're comfortable with. Just be vigilant.
  • Stay accountable to your buddy. We all know food is tough; we'll need a friend this week.
  • Pushups, planks, jumping jacks. Stick with your exercise routines, but this week is all about food.
  • Try to eat in. Make it fun. Find great healthy recipes. Cook with friends and family. Cook with your kids or your significant other.

This is what it's all about, folks. It's tough, but necessary. Maybe you're rocking the food. Great. Stick with it. Help those of us that struggle on a regular basis with it.

Do good this week.

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