Thursday, November 20, 2008


So it's Thursday, and tomorrow the elementary kids come to see our play of "Cases of Mistaken Identity." We've been working like crazy the last couple of weeks. I was at school until 10 Monday night, and 12 Tuesday night. Saturday we have two performances, so we have to be doubly good. A little more stress is thrown in the mix because Allen has a sinus and ear infection, and my dad is not doing well. Nothing we can do about it, though. We just keep praying and moving forward. I'll put on some pics of the kids when I get some. It will be a good one, I'm sure. They always pull it off. I'd like to say that this is my first play with a guy wearing a dress, but... Somehow we tend to get mixed up in that schtick.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Sorry I haven't commented for a while. We've been sick and now my fingers hurt to type because of the joint pain I'm dealing with.

I am happy to hear you got some yummy freezer meat.

I continue to keep your family in my prayers. I hope Allen feels better soon and I pray for peace for you father. I know it's after the fact, but break a leg at the plays!