Yesterday morning Cael and I were going out to the car to head into town. He was counting the leaves between the steps and the car. I reached for the door and he stepped in front of me. "Stop! Mommy, I counted the leaves!"
"Really? How many are there?"
"Good to know, son."
We're out in Arapahoe again, and it's deer season! Last week Allen and my brother-in-law, Todd, went out to find some pheasants. We forgot them in mom and dad's freezer. We have to remember those before we leave. This week, a good friend that I teach with (Brian) brought his two boys out with us so they could all go with Allen in the morning. Hopefully we'll have pictures of a trophy soon(or at least meat for the freezer). The night before hunting season opens, the Arapahoe FFA always have a Fry Feed (I'm talking Rocky Mountain Oysters, here). It's been a while since we've been able to make it in time for it, but tonight we were lucky. We all had a big plate full of them along with a baked potato. Cael loved his "chicken nuggets." I got to see my best friend from high school, Julie, who was with her parents, husband, and four kids. Looking around the gym, there weren't too many faces I didn't know, I just didn't recognize a lot of people. We're all looking a little older, I guess.