Here are the pics from Stuhr Museum. We go out there every year for this event. It's really fun!
Cael loved the firetruck!

There was a little girl dressed up like Anikin and her brother was a Storm Trooper. Cael marched right up and said, "Hey, let's play sabers!" So they did! Their mom and I thought it was pretty cute.

Part of the fam. Reese, Allen's sister, Kerrey, Rylee, and Rylee's boyfriend, Gage.

Every year there is a guy dressed up like a scrarecrow. We tried to get Cael to sit with him, but he wasn't buying it. Right before I took this picture, he jumped at Cael. Reese was NOT impressed.

At the train depot there are sticks that you can tie either a donut or an apple on the string. Kenidee and Cael had a donut. Rylee and Carter had an apple.
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