As I'm typing this, I'm thinking back to one year ago. At this time, (8:40)I was almost to Arapahoe, not knowing what to expect. I had gotten the call from my sister that my mom wanted me to come home - it was time. I knew that it would be coming, I just didn't know it would be that soon. I'm sure my Dad's first year in heaven has been a good one. I'm sure he's been doing all of the things he hasn't been able to do for so many years, and that makes me happy. It's been a rough year without him. So many things have happened that I would love to call him and tell him about. I can't call him, so I just talk and hope he can hear me. It's not the first Christmas without him, but it's the first Christmas season. I caught myself thinking that I needed to go get him some sugar-free chocolate covered peanuts, because he loved them and that's what I always got him. I've heard that the first anniversary is the hardest, and I'm sure that's right, but I don't think I'll ever get over walking into Mom's house and wanting to go talk to him, or thinking about the food that I cooked him when I'm cooking it for my own family. I'll never stop missing him, and frankly, I don't want to. Love you, and miss you, Daddy.
My new favorite song: