Sunday, May 31, 2009
Open House
Earlier this month we had an Open House at school. It was kind of stormy, and when Robin was leaving, she saw a rainbow and called Cael to come out and look...
Recognition Night
Spring Fling
Monday, May 18, 2009
Graduation article
Graduation went well. I made the mistake of watching the kids hand out flowers to their families. I got kind of teary.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My seniors!
A video on the paper website. They were practicing for graduation. I'll miss them! It's on the right side under the videos.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mother Hen
My sister sent me these pictures from her friend Anna. I just had to share them. They're hilarious!! Yes, those are kittens...
This is the caption:
Okay, we have a hen that always hates for us to take her eggs. She is theonly hen we have that will sit on her eggs and not leave. When we go toget the eggs she always pecks at us, and the kids are afraid of her andwon't even try to get the eggs. Since we won't let her hatch out hereggs, she decided to adopt. These pictures are what I found this morningin the hen house. Look closely at the babies.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spring Gardening
Yesterday we planted the flowers and garden. Cael and I were busy out front while Allen was tilling. He stopped and yelled for us to come...
You must remember that here in Cairo, we don't have mice problems, we have snakes. Allen scared up this pair with the tiller. The bigger one was almost a two-footer. Cael really wanted to investigate further, but we reminded him that the snakes are cranky and we can't touch them. There was also a baby one on the other side of the garden.
Cael had to have gardening gloves and tools just like Mom and Dad. He practically planted my flower barrels by himself!
Planting the garden. "The seeds are in there, Mom!"

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