Since I take my Freshmen to Omaha to the Symphony every year, I get several sets of free tickets. Friday after school, Allen and I headed to Omaha. We ate at the Indian Oven. It was really good! Spicy, but good. We got to see Edgar Meyer who is a composer and musician and is extremely talented, to say the least. Saturday morning, we ate brunch at Dixie Quicks. If anyone watches Food Network, Guy Ferreri stopped there and featured it on his show, Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. It is a dive, but dang, is the food good! When we got home on Saturday, a large packet of paperwork was waiting for us in the mail from Foster Care. Our brains are fried! 157 questions and 60 pages later, we're done filling things out. Now we have to go to the doctor to have blood, urine, sugar, and blood pressure tests. We also have to get fingerprinted. They do all this stuff, and foster kids are still abused. Crazy. In English, we've been reading Tuesdays with Morrie. If you haven't read it, you should - great book. Anyway, Morrie has ALS, and does his best to teach people about what it's like to die. I had a Hospice Nurse come in and talk to the kids about what Morrie and his family were going through. The kids were really receptive and did well. The nurse enjoyed her visit as well, and I hope the kids learned a lot.